From Cognitive Activity to Artificial Self Awareness

Cognitive science, social psychology, socio-physics, and computer science: models and experiments

Dissemination Workshop

Place: Department of Science of Education and Psychology, University of Florence

Date: 18th of June 2013

Organizer: Centre for the study of complex dynamics (CSDC) - and Department Education and Psychology, University of Florence.


The aim of this workshop is to disseminate the main results and the cognitive inspired models developed during whithin the RECOGNITION FP7 project. The target of the project was the development of a cognitive inspired model to equip the self awareness at the level of the ICT systems.

The multidisciplinar consortium of the RECOGNITION project covered the scientifical domains involved by the topic, and each partner has applied the theorethical architecture developed by the cognitive unit of the consortium to its specific field of expertise. The researches and the most important results obtained so far by the consortium are going to be part of the objects of the workshop’s talks. The aim of this workshop is that of promoting a discussion about the interplay among evolutive and experimental cognitive pschology, physics-style models and simulations, experiments in the virtual (web) sphere and computer science applications. This workshop is motivated also by the dissemination of results of the UE project RECOGNITION that is essentially rooted on these research fields.