
Our projects mainly involve the study of the dynamics of social networks and the analysis of small groups. The preliminary results of our experiments and theoretical models are given a brief introduction followed by more accurate presentations.Cognitive Chatline Environment 1.0

We have developed a chatline environment that allows the recording of the interactions among a group of ten participants. We have tried to arrange an environment that mimics that of an unstructured group of stranger participants.

Small group dynamics experiment

Beyond their common use for interpersonal communication, chatlines (also chat-rooms) can be formalized as dynamic systems with heuristics. We have studied chatlines in the framework of social networks.

Cognitve approach for community detection

Detecting communities is a task of great importance in many disciplines, namely sociology, biology and computer science, where systems are often represented as graphs. We explore two different approaches: in the first, information about neighboring nodes if propagated and elaborated locally, but the connections do not change. In the second approach, information is not elaborated while it is the wiring that is varied with the result of directly